A Big Problem For You...

The unfortunate reality is, if somebody stumbles across your website, they're VERY UNLIKELY to make a purchase from you on that first exposure.

It takes an average of SEVEN exposures before most people are willing to make a purchase online.  The people who are absolutely convinced that they want your service will still buy from you, but what about those many potential customers of yours that just 'aren't quite convinced yet' and need a little more encouragement?

Sure, they may bookmark your site and come back to it later, but have you had a look at your bookmarks lately?  As you notice all the sites you've long forgotten about, you're probably ready to accept that you NEED a way to keep reminding your potential customers about your business.  

The Solution

There is a simple solution.  The most cost-effective means of establishing this repeated exposure is:

  • Get your website's visitors' email addresses.

  • Send them an automated email once every few days for seven or eight exposures (the emails should be filled with 'tips' related to your core business - something beneficial).

  • Keep these email addresses for a newsletter - giving interested potential customers exposure long after your initial campaign is over.

The great thing is, you only have to write the seven-eight emails ONCE. The entire process is automated and personalised.  Imagine - convincing thousands of your interested potential customers to make a purchase with you with a customised, personally tailored email every few days, delivered straight to their inbox, without lifting a finger.

Where To From Here?

If you want to run a campaign like this and gain many potential customers through repeated exposure, you'll have to sign up with a company that offers such a service.  U-Turn itself doesn't offer this, but we can recommend one that will work perfectly with your U-Turn hosted website:


There are dozens of companies that offer autoresponder and newsletter services, but AWeber is the clear leader in this field.  They offer everything you need to create customers and explode sales from repeated exposure.  You'll definitely want to check out their website here.