Have you been putting off getting your website online?  As you've probably already realised, not having a website to advertise your business puts you behind your competition, which means less money in your pocket.

If you feel that having a website could help your business, we strongly recommend 123online

How 123online can Help You

123online is the easiest and most cost-effective way to create a new website from go to whoa.  123online doesn't design your site from scratch - you tell 123online exactly what your site will look like by choosing one of the hundreds of professionally-designed templates.  This saves you a bundle! 

How it Works

With 123online, you don't have to spend thousands on expensive web designers, and it doesn't have to be a long and tedious process.  123online will take care of it all for you, and you don't have to know a thing about the internet!

You can have your website in three easy steps:


Choose a domain name (e.g. www.yourbusiness.co.nz)


Choose a template (what your site will look like)


Fill-in-the-blanks to supply 123online with your site's content.

With the information you supply 123online with, 123online will create your site for you from a professionally designed template.  1, 2, 3 - your site's online!

For more information, please visit the website:


Examples of Templates 

Here are a few random samples of templates you could use for your website (from a selection of hundreds available at 123online.co.nz).


Be sure to check out the full selection from 123online.co.nz